Services and Prices

What does Hanover Pet Services offer?

I offer in-home care for your cat while you're away from home. This can be for any length of time and I'm more than happy to cater for last minute emergencies.


What does each visit entail?

Each visit includes feeding, changing their water and doing any litter tray duties. In addition to the basics I also aim to stay between 30-60 minutes. I believe providing your cat with some company and playing with them is just as important as feeding them is. It gives me the opportunity to give them a once over and assess how they are adjusting to you being away.


How many visits do you make per day?

I make either one or two visits per day. I try to stick to your cats normal routine to provide as much comfort to them as possible whilst you are away. These are some of the details I will take down during our introductory meeting.


Do you administer medication?

Yes, absolutely! I have experience with medicating cats with pills, liquids and injectable substances such as Insulin. In addition to medication, I also practice basic feline first aid.


Do you housesit?

Yes, I'm more than happy to housesit. Sometimes this is the best way to look after anxious cats or those that are used to having a little more company than they may get while you're away.


Price Tariffs

There are two price tariffs for my visits for those inside and outside of Hanover. These can be found below:

Location of Visit Price
Within Hanover £7.50 per day
Outside Hanover £8.00 per visit



Do you do anything else while you're visiting?

Absolutely, I'm more than happy to water any plants and feed your fish too!